Pelleted Lettuce Red Crown RC100


Red Coral RC100

Red Crown RC100 is a premium Lollo Rossa variety ideal for hydroponic and soil planting. It is relatively slow bolt and high tolerant to tip burn. Leaves are wine-red with relatively dense in the head.

红冠 RC100 属于高品质散叶红生菜。叶片全红色带有密波浪型,耐烧边及不带苦涩,食用品质高。

Red Crown RC100 is coated into a pelleted form.

~ Easier to handle

~ Consistent germination

~ Germination much faster and vigorous

SKU: CP-RC100-5KS Categories: , ,

997 in stock


Red Crown RC100 (Pelleted Seeds)

– OP variety

– Germination rate >90%

– Purity Rate >85%

– Moisture rate >7-8%

– Storage: One year from Purchase

– All seeds are treated

– Category: Non-GMO


*We give no further warranties for low productivity, yield of plant caused by abnormal climate, improper sowing time and management on unsuitable land. Customers are required to bear the consequences arise from non-seed related factors.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 3 cm



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