F1 Radish Fortuner RD250


Fortuner RD250 adalah lobak putih hibrid yang paling popular di pasaran. Varieti ini mempunyai bentuk silinder yang baik dan akar yang lebih besar.Mempunyai berat antara 450-500g, varieti ini menjanjikan hasil yang tinggi dan meningkatkan keuntungan dengan ketara! Rasanya segar tanpa pedas, sangat enak!

Fortuner RD250 is a hybrid white radish with an attractive green shoulder for the best market presentation. This variety has a good cylindrical shape and larger roots, weighing 450-500g, which increases profitability. Its finer texture ensures exceptional eating quality
庆丰年 RD250 是市场上最受欢迎的杂交青肩白萝卜。此品种外形圆润饱满,色泽洁白,非常吸睛。根重达450-500克,保证高产,极大提升利润!口感清爽不辛辣,美味可口!
Availability: Out of stock SKU: CP-RD250-100G Categories: , ,


Fortuner 庆丰年 RD250

– F1 Hybrid variety

– Germination rate >85%

– Purity Rate >85%

– Moisture rate >7-8%

– Storage: One year from Purchase

– Seed count (TSW): 100g = 6,500 – 7,000 seeds +/-

– All seeds are treated

– Category: Non-GMO

– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C

*We give no further warranties for low productivity, yield of plant caused by abnormal climate, improper sowing time and management on unsuitable land. Customers are required to bear the consequences arise from non-seed related factors.

Additional information

Weight 0.20 kg
Dimensions 15.00 × 22.00 × 3.00 cm


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