Bitter Gourd Kawaii BG3311


Benih Peria Kecil BG3311

Kawaii BG 3311 is a widely adapted mini bitter gourd variety with excellent fruit setting ability and good market appearance. Attractive dark green fruits with narrow smooth ribs easily accepted by the market.

BG 3311 ini berwarna hijau gelap, purata kepanjangan 30cm dan mempunyai saiz buah yang konsisten. Purata berat 350g, berbuah awal dan tempoh kematangan 58 hari. Jenis buah ini tahan panas, tahan virus dan bakteria.

卡娃依BG3311是深青密纹苦瓜. 果长30-35公分, 座果率高,超抗病虫害, 耐旱 耐雨, 适合密植及采收期长。

SKU: CP-BG3311-100G Categories: , ,

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Maturity (Days after Sowing)/ 采收期 : 58

Shape/ 果型 : long, narrow ribs

Color/ 颜色 : dark green

Fruit Length/ 果长 : 30cm

Fruit Weight/ 果重 : 350g

Disease Tolerance/ 抗性: ****

Other characteristics/ 其他特性: good shelf life, rain tolerance


– F1 variety

– Germination rate >85%

– Purity Rate >85%

– Moisture rate >7-8%

– Storage: One year from Purchase

– All seeds are treated

– Seed count (TSW): 10g = 45 seeds +/-, 20g = 90 seeds +/-, 100g = 450 seeds +/-,

– Category: Non-GMO

– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C

*We give no further warranties for low productivity, yield of plant caused by abnormal climate, improper sowing time and management on unsuitable land. Customers are required to bear the consequences arise from non-seed related factors.

Additional information

Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 20 cm

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