Long Bean Toto LB3


Toto LB 3 is a highly consistent high-yielding long bean variety. The plant has an extra early fruiting characteristic and produces top market preference quality pods. Average 70-75 cm in length with bright medium green color pods.

库存: 缺货 商品编码: CP-LB3-100G 分类: , ,


Toto LB 3 is a highly consistent high-yielding long bean variety. The plant has an extra early fruiting characteristic and produces top market preference quality pods. Average 70-75 cm in length with bright medium green color pods.


Maturity (Days after Sowing)/ 采收期 : 45 days

Seed Color/籽粒颜色 : black

Pod color/ 果型 : medium green

Pod length /豆荚长度 : 70 cm

Leaves size/ 叶型: medium

Shelf Life/ 保质期 : good

Features : long pods of superior quality



重量 0.1 公斤
尺寸 15 × 5 × 22 厘米



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