Papaya Big Hong Kong PY1
RM45.00 – RM800.00
Big Hong Kong PY 1 is a top pick papaya variety by professional growers. The plant is highly productive and fruit weigh around 1.5-2.0kg size per fruit. Very good shelf life
Jenis betik ini mudah ditanam dan berhasil tinggi. Purata berat buah 1.5-2.0kg. Tanamannya mempunyai jangka hayat yang panjang. Mengandungi nutrisi vitamin C dan serat diet yang tinggi.
大香港PY1又称“香港一尺瓜”,是专业农民首选木瓜体系。此品种生产力超强, 平均单果重约1.5至2.0公斤。品质高特耐储运。
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– OP variety
– Germination rate >85%
– Purity Rate >85%
– Moisture rate >7-8%
– Storage: One year from Purchase
– All seeds are treated
– Seed count (TSW): 5g= 250 seeds +/-
– Category: Non-GMO
– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C
*We give no further warranties for low productivity, yield of plant caused by abnormal climate, improper sowing time and management on unsuitable land. Customers are required to bear the consequences arise from non-seed related factors.