
Amaranth Pointed Leaf Jade Spade 201


Benih Bayam Hijau Tajam 201

Amaranth Seed Jade Spade has excellent germination rate and grows very rapidly. Plant is dark green color with narrow pointed leaves. Can be harvested around 22-25 days. It is tasty and provide excellent source of magnesium and iron.

Jenis bayam 201 ini senang ditanam . Daun berbentuk tajam serta berwarna hijau gelap. Boleh dituai pada 22-25 hari. Rasanya enak dan mempunyai magnesium dan zat besi yang tinggi.

库存: 库存 864 件 商品编码: JT-201 分类: , ,


Product content : 10,000 seeds

Icons: B1, B2, B4, B5, B10

F1 Hybrid (Y/N): N

Easy To Grow (Stars): 5

1g = ? seeds: 900-1100

GW: 10g

Harvest (Days): 22

– Germination rate >90%

– Purity Rate >95%

– Moisture rate >7-8%

– Storage: One year from Purchase

– All seeds are treated

– Category: Non-GMO

– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C

*We give no further warranties for low productivity, yield of plant caused by abnormal climate, improper sowing time and management on unsuitable land. Customers are required to bear the consequences arise from non-seed related factors.


重量 0.1 公斤
尺寸 15 × 10 × 2 厘米



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